How do I know I need surgery?

It is very common that after 2 or 3 months of continuous pain in the back, even more so in cases where an alternative method has already been used, the most viable solution is to perform a surgical procedure.

How are the procedures like?

Fortunately, science moves every time to bigger steps.

Our procedures in general are minimal invasive, this means that the doctor does very small incisions (1 inch or less) in an average time of 40 minutes in the operating room

It is highly likely that regardless of the procedure being treated, the patient will walk out of the hospital that same day.

How long will my recovery take?

For most of our procedures, the recovery time is extremely short.

Technology has allowed that almost every patient can walk out of the hospital the same day the surgery was performed.

What alternative treatment options do I have if I do not want to have surgery?

There is a wide range of alternative back pain treatments that might work in some cases, and only for certain types of minor injuries.

However, going for alternative procedures in cases where surgery is required can have a highly cost, not only because of the need to frequently recur to this type of treatment, but because of the consequences of a poorly applied alternative procedure.

What type of surgical procedure is the right for me?

If you already have a previous diagnosis from a doctor, we may be able to guide you.

However, in order to receive a professional opinion from our medical associates, a thorough review of all the available information is necessary, as well as a consultation that would be carried out.

Given that we can have access to the evidence to identify the situation that is generating the discomfort.

Is it necessary that I have new medical exams?

It is high probably that the studies you already have requested allow our associate doctors to understand the situation that generates the discomfort.

However, it is only up to them to determine if any additional examination is required. In general, these additional studies can be done in your country of origin or here in Mexico.

We will always require recent medical studies.

Who certifies the quality of the products that are used?

At DOMA we only handle products certified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as well as the European Community (EC).

In essence, the product alternatives that we use are not other than the same brands and products that are used mostly in the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia, and which we commercialize in Mexico, which allows us to offer affordable prices.

How long does the surgery take?

Most of the procedures take no more than 60 minutes inside the operating room, although they usually average 40 minutes to be carried out.

Of course, everything depends on the situation and suggested procedure to attend to it.

What happens if I decide to wait?

The decision of when to address the discomfort and under what procedure, is always in the hands of who has the condition.

In the case of the back, for certain types of pathologies and in particular the degenerative ones, time can be crucial for early treatment and to avoid an injury with greater consequences for the patient.

Hence the importance of determining the condition in time, that the patient knows clearly and suitably his options in order to choose the best one.

Is surgery more expensive than alternative therapy?

For certain types of conditions or pathologies, opting for alternative procedures or therapies may represent a greater cost, not only for the number of times the patient must return to seek therapy, but also for the risks of a misapplied procedure and a higher injury.

How can I meet the surgeons?

Within our page you will find all the information that allows you to fully identify our medical associates, their academic background, affiliations, recognitions and achievements. They are the most experienced and prepared physicians not only in Mexico, but in the world. Additionally, if you choose DOMA, a consultation with the assigned doctor will be required, which will allow you to directly raise questions and concerns. Such consultation can be carried out in Mexico or remotely.

What experience do the physicians have?

All of our associate doctors have extensive experience in performing the surgical procedures offered by DOMA. Within our page you will find all the information that will allow you to fully identify our medical associates, their background, affiliations, recognitions and achievements, as well as the procedures they perform.

May I speak with another patient?

Definitely. We maintain a relationship with most of the patients that have been treated by our associate doctors. It will only be necessary to agree with them the possibility of consulting them, as well as the best way to do it privately.

Which are the steps to follow?

Actually the procedure is very simple. The key steps in our process are the following:

1. You must sign a brief application that is available on our page. (see request form)

2. You must send us the clinical information format that is also available on the page. (see format)

3. A consultation with the chosen doctor is scheduled, either in person or remotely. (schedule appointment)

4. The recommended treatment or the date to carry out the procedure is scheduled.

In general, these would be the steps to follow, although one of our executives will personally accompany you in each of them. You will have support and follow-up from us at all times. You can leave it in our hands. (contact an executive).

What is the DOMA experience?

The DOMA experience provides a comprehensive service of the highest quality to our patients, whom we see as guests.

Our 360 model allows you to leave in our hands, not only the clinical purpose of your visit, but also your stay in our country.

I do not know Mexico ...

Mexico City has been cataloged by the New York Times as ‘the metropolis that has it all’.

Museums, history, tradition, culture, flavors, nightlife, it is a cosmopolitan city that you simply can not miss.

During your visit, and depending on the number of days you are staying in Mexico, you will receive a personalized itinerary according to your interests.

We have a staff oriented for this purpose and you will have at all times a personal concierge that will accompany you during your visit, for both your treatment and tourism planning or just for medical attention.

How I get to Mexico City?

Mexico City has exceptional air connectivity with most of the major cities in the United States and Canada, in which there are direct flights every day of the year.

If you wish, we take care of the planning. We just need to know your date of flight, your city of departure, and the days you want to be in Mexico.

One of our associates will make the itinerary for your treatment and your vacation days, you just need to get to the airport.

Where would I stay?

For your stay you will receive alternatives and recommendations based on your taste, interests and budget.

Our recommendations are scrupulously selected to provide the highest standards of service and quality to ensure the comfort and tranquility of the patient and his/her companion.

Who can / should accompany me?

It is not essential for our patient to be accompanied, but it is common that he or shw come with someone of their family or a friend. Our private Concierge service includes all those who accompany our patient.

How flexible is the DOMA service model?

Our service model is 100% adaptable to the needs, requirements and demands of our clients. We can manage everything related to the transfer, stay and visit in Mexico, or take care of only the medical side of the trip.

How do I know I need surgery?

It is very common that after 2 or 3 months of continuous pain in the back, even more so in cases where an alternative method has already been used, the most viable solution is to perform a surgical procedure.

How are the procedures like?

Fortunately, science moves every time to bigger steps.

Our procedures in general are minimal invasive, this means that the doctor does very small incisions (1 inch or less) in an average time of 40 minutes in the operating room

It is highly likely that regardless of the procedure being treated, the patient will walk out of the hospital that same day

How long will my recovery take?

For most of our procedures, the recovery time is extremely short.

Technology has allowed that almost every patient can walk out of the hospital the same day the surgery was performed.

What alternative treatment options do I have if I do not want to have surgery?

There is a wide range of alternative back pain treatments that might work in some cases, and only for certain types of minor injuries.

However, going for alternative procedures in cases where surgery is required can have a highly cost, not only because of the need to frequently recur to this type of treatment, but because of the consequences of a poorly applied alternative procedure.

What type of surgical procedure is the right for me?

If you already have a previous diagnosis from a doctor, we may be able to guide you.

However, in order to receive a professional opinion from our medical associates, a thorough review of all the available information is necessary, as well as a consultation that would be carried out.

Given that we can have access to the evidence to identify the situation that is generating the discomfort.

Is it necessary that I have new medical exams?

It is high probably that the studies you already have requested allow our associate doctors to understand the situation that generates the discomfort.

However, it is only up to them to determine if any additional examination is required. In general, these additional studies can be done in your country of origin or here in Mexico.

We will always require recent medical studies.

Who certifies the quality of the products that are used?

At DOMA we only handle products certified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as well as the European Community (EC).

In essence, the product alternatives that we use are not other than the same brands and products that are used mostly in the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia, and which we commercialize in Mexico, which allows us to offer affordable prices.

How long does the surgery take?

Most of the procedures take no more than 60 minutes inside the operating room, although they usually average 40 minutes to be carried out.

Of course, everything depends on the situation and suggested procedure to attend to it.

What happens if I decide to wait?

The decision of when to address the discomfort and under what procedure, is always in the hands of who has the condition.

In the case of the back, for certain types of pathologies and in particular the degenerative ones, time can be crucial for early treatment and to avoid an injury with greater consequences for the patient.

Hence the importance of determining the condition in time, that the patient knows clearly and suitably his options in order to choose the best one.

Is surgery more expensive than alternative therapy?

For certain types of conditions or pathologies, opting for alternative procedures or therapies may represent a greater cost, not only for the number of times the patient must return to seek therapy, but also for the risks of a misapplied procedure and a higher injury.

How can I meet the surgeons?

Within our page you will find all the information that allows you to fully identify our medical associates, their academic background, affiliations, recognitions and achievements. They are the most experienced and prepared physicians not only in Mexico, but in the world. Additionally, if you choose DOMA, a consultation with the assigned doctor will be required, which will allow you to directly raise questions and concerns. Such consultation can be carried out in Mexico or remotely.

What experience do the physicians have?

All of our associate doctors have extensive experience in performing the surgical procedures offered by DOMA. Within our page you will find all the information that will allow you to fully identify our medical associates, their background, affiliations, recognitions and achievements, as well as the procedures they perform..

May I speak with another patient?

Definitely. We maintain a relationship with most of the patients that have been treated by our associate doctors. It will only be necessary to agree with them the possibility of consulting them, as well as the best way to do it privately.

Which are the steps to follow?

Actually the procedure is very simple. The key steps in our process are the following:

1. You must sign a brief application that is available on our page. (see request form)

2. You must send us the clinical information format that is also available on the page. (see format)

3. A consultation with the chosen doctor is scheduled, either in person or remotely. (schedule appointment)

4. The recommended treatment or the date to carry out the procedure is scheduled.

In general, these would be the steps to follow, although one of our executives will personally accompany you in each of them. You will have support and follow-up from us at all times. You can leave it in our hands. (contact an executive).

What is the DOMA experience?

The DOMA experience provides a comprehensive service of the highest quality to our patients, whom we see as guests.

Our 360 model allows you to leave in our hands, not only the clinical purpose of your visit, but also your stay in our country.

I do not know Mexico ...

Mexico City has been cataloged by the New York Times as ‘the metropolis that has it all’.

Museums, history, tradition, culture, flavors, nightlife, it is a cosmopolitan city that you simply can not miss.

During your visit, and depending on the number of days you are staying in Mexico, you will receive a personalized itinerary according to your interests.

We have a staff oriented for this purpose and you will have at all times a personal concierge that will accompany you during your visit, for both your treatment and tourism planning or just for medical attention.

How I get to Mexico City?

Mexico City has exceptional air connectivity with most of the major cities in the United States and Canada, in which there are direct flights every day of the year.

If you wish, we take care of the planning. We just need to know your date of flight, your city of departure, and the days you want to be in Mexico.

One of our associates will make the itinerary for your treatment and your vacation days, you just need to get to the airport.

Where would I stay?

For your stay you will receive alternatives and recommendations based on your taste, interests and budget.

Our recommendations are scrupulously selected to provide the highest standards of service and quality to ensure the comfort and tranquility of the patient and his/her companion.

Who can / should accompany me?

It is not essential for our patient to be accompanied, but it is common that he or shw come with someone of their family or a friend. Our private Concierge service includes all those who accompany our patient.

How flexible is the DOMA service model?

Our service model is 100% adaptable to the needs, requirements and demands of our clients. We can manage everything related to the transfer, stay and visit in Mexico, or take care of only the medical side of the trip.

How to know if I need surgery?

Commonly, patients that present 2 or 3 months of continuous back pain, even more, where an alternative method has already been used, the most viable solution is to undergo a surgical procedure.

What are the procedures like?

Fortunately, science helps us achieve greater results in a shorter time.

In general, our procedures are minimally invasive (MIS), this means that the doctor performs very small incisions (1 inch or less) that allow the patient to stay in the operating room for an average time of 40 minutes.

This procedure enables a faster recovery, regardless of the pathology that is being treated. Some patients can walk out of the hospital that same day.

How long will my recovery take?

Recovery from spine surgery varies by patient and procedure. Most patients will return to their normal life activities within six weeks following the procedure. For other patients, this may take longer.

For most of our procedures, the recovery time is remarkably short. Technology has allowed some patients to walk out of the hospital the same day the surgery was performed. However, we recommend moderate rest and precautions.

Your surgeon should provide a general idea about recovery time based on your specific case.

Will pain subside with alternative treatments?

There is a wide range of alternative (to surgery) back pain relief treatments such as physical therapy, heat, and anti-inflammatory medications that might work in some cases, and for certain types of minor injuries. However, if conservative forms of treatment fail to relieve your symptoms, then surgery may be presented as an option. Rest assured that your doctor will advise the most adequate solution for your case.

It must be considered that leaning for alternative procedures in cases where surgery is required can imply a high cost, not only because of the need to frequently recur to this type of treatment but because of the consequences of a poorly applied alternative procedure.

What type of surgical procedure is right for me?

Every person responds to treatment differently. It is important to inform yourself and work with your doctor to find the option that best suits your case.

If you already have a previous diagnosis from your doctor, we may be able to guide you.

Nevertheless, receiving a professional opinion from one of our medical associates and thorough review of all the available information through one initial consultation is necessary.

This will allow our team to have access to the existing evidence and identify the element that is generating the discomfort with a broader outlook and provide you a more accurate diagnosis.

Are recent medical exams necessary?

We will always require recent medical exams.

It is highly likely that the exams you already have will allow our associate doctors to understand the situation that generates discomfort.

However, it is only up to them to determine if any additional examination is required. In general, these additional studies can be done in your home country or in Mexico.

Who certifies the quality of the products that are used?

Rest assured that DOMA Medical only manages brands and products certified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as well as the European Community (EC).

We manage some of the most popular brands and products in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia, which we commercialize in Mexico, allowing us to offer affordable prices.

How long does the surgery take?

Most of the procedures take no more than 60 minutes inside the operating room, although they usually average 40 minutes to be carried out.

Of course, everything depends on the situation and suggested procedure to attend to it.

What happens if I decide to wait?

The decision of when to address the discomfort and under what procedure, is always in the hands of who has the condition.

In the case of the back, for certain types of pathologies and in particular the degenerative ones, time can be crucial for early treatment and to avoid an injury with greater consequences for the patient.

Hence the importance of determining the condition in time, that the patient knows clearly and suitably his options in order to choose the best one.

Is surgery more expensive than alternative therapy?

For certain types of conditions or pathologies, opting for alternative procedures or therapies may represent a greater cost, not only for the number of times the patient must return to seek therapy, but also for the risks of a misapplied procedure and a higher injury.

How can I meet the surgeons?

In our section «surgeons» you will find a complete profile of the doctors that belong to our network. Among this information, you will have access to their academic background, affiliations, recognitions, and achievements. We are proud to say that they are the most experienced and prepared physicians not only in Mexico but in the world. 

If you choose DOMA Medical to take care of your spine and journey, a consultation with the doctor you select (or the one that is recommended to you) will be required. This will allow you to directly raise any questions and concerns you may have. Said consultation can be carried out in Mexico or remotely.

What experience do the physicians have?

All of our associate doctors have extensive experience in performing the surgical procedures offered by DOMA. Within our page you will find all the information that will allow you to fully identify our medical associates, their background, affiliations, recognitions and achievements, as well as the procedures they perform..

Can I have the opinion of another patient?

Definitely. We maintain a close relationship with most of the patients that have been treated by our associate doctors. It will only be necessary to review possibility of consulting them, as well as the best way to do it privately.

Which are the steps to follow?

Actually the procedure is very simple. The key steps in our process are the following:

1. You must sign a brief application that is available on our page. (see request form)

2. You must send us the clinical information format that is also available on the page. (see format)

3. A consultation with the chosen doctor is scheduled, either in person or remotely. (schedule appointment)

4. The recommended treatment or the date to carry out the procedure is scheduled.

In general, these would be the steps to follow, although one of our executives will personally accompany you in each of them. You will have support and follow-up from us at all times. You can leave it in our hands. (contact an executive).

What is the DOMA Medical experience?

The DOMA Medical experience provides a comprehensive service of the highest quality to our patients, whom we see as guests.

Our 360 model allows you to leave in our hands, not only the clinical purpose of your visit, but also your stay in our country.

What if I have never been to Mexico?

Mexico is characterized by its diversity; warm beaches, cosmopolitan cities, and small folkloric towns are here to welcome you and make a great experience out of your stay in the country.

For example, Mexico City, the capital city, has been cataloged by the New York Times as the metropolis that has it all. Museums, history, tradition, culture, flavors, nightlife, making it an impossible-to-miss cosmopolitan city.

To make sure you feel comfortable, and depending on the length of your stay, we can provide a personalized itinerary that matches your interests. Thanks to our concierge service, you will have at all times have a personal assistant accompanying you during your visit.

How I get to Mexico City?

Mexico City has exceptional air connectivity with most of the major cities in the United States and Canada, in which there are direct flights every day of the year.

If you wish, we take care of the planning. We just need to know your date of flight, your city of departure, and the days you want to be in Mexico.

One of our associates will make the itinerary for your treatment and your vacation days, you just need to get to the airport.

Where would I stay?

For your stay, you will receive a recommendation based on the city and hospital you’ll be attending. However, this option can be modified based on your taste, interests, and budget.

Our recommendations are carefully selected to provide the highest standards of service and quality. We always seek to ensure the comfort and tranquility of the patient and his/her companion.

Who can / should accompany me?

It is not essential for our patient to be accompanied, but it is common that he or shw come with someone of their family or a friend. Our private Concierge service includes all those who accompany our patient.

How flexible is DOMA Medical's service model?

Our service model is adaptable to the needs and requirements of the patients.

We can help you manage everything related to your treatment and medical care as well as the transfer, accommodation, and general visit to Mexico.